Monday, October 24, 2011

Episode 5

This week I sit down with Shane, Shannon and Meredith/Mercedes. We open up the podcast with a new game in which Shannon and I try to guess whether Shane is aware of pop culture from the late 90s and early 2000s.

After the game, we get into a discussion about an argument Shane and I got into earlier in the week. In my opinion, my point was never made. People just talked all over me and got angry that I picked on little Shane.

We had problems with the sound and I had to run it through several programs just to make it listenable.

Monday, October 17, 2011

Episode 4

On this episode, we discuss the stupidity of Matlock and Murder She Wrote, the misery of office happy hours, the agony of limping like a midget, the horrors of fat people in haunted houses and we wrap it up with a round of table topics.

Shannon, Shane and I spend an hour talking about stupid nonsense. I hope you like it.

Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Episode 3

Shannon and Shane join me in a discussion of highlights from our week. This week I talk about how I have been eating a lot of fast food lately because I am trying to win the McDonald's Monopoly game. I also share my story about attending a dinner with 100 year-old magician named John Calvert.

Shane tells us about going to see some stupid Irish game at bar with his Dad. Then he gives us the inside info about ending a blossoming relationship with the girl he was dating.

Shannon wraps up the show with a story about a woman who offered to have Shannon and her dog, Leila, over for a doggie playdate.

It's a short episode this week. I think this thing is finally starting to gel together or crystallize. One of the two.

Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Episode 2

Looks like we are starting to find our groove. Busy schedules pare the pilot group of 5 down to 2. Shannon and I go one on one in this second episode of "Wait Wait ... Group Therapy!"

I really like this episode and I think you will, too. This week, Shannon and I talk about our week which surprisingly involves ambushing closeted Christians, going to the gym, solving mysteries and learning that sometimes old blog names come back to haunt us.

Once again, let me point out that this show is not affiliated with NPR or the show, "Wait Wait Don't tell me"